\n Press the \"Register\" button below for online registration or contact our office at {{ workshop.contact_phone | phone }} or via e-mail at {{ workshop.contact_email }}.\n
\n\n If you would like to register for this workshop, please contact our office at {{ workshop.contact_phone | phone }} or via e-mail at {{ workshop.contact_email }}.\n
\nThis workshop will have an initial informational session on\n {{ workshop.session_zero_datetime | moment(\"dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY\") }} at\n {{ workshop.session_zero_datetime | moment(\"h:mmA\") }}.
\n This is an ongoing workshop that hosts {{ workshop.program.group_session_types[0].name }}s on the\n following days:\n
\n\n This is an ongoing workshop that hosts sessions on the following days:\n
\n\n Below you will find the upcoming {{ workshop.program.group_session_types[0].name }}s for this workshop.\n
\n\n Below you will find the upcoming sessions for this workshop.\n
\n\n In addition to the sessions below, this workshop also requires individual\n {{ workshop.program.individual_session_types[0].name }}s with the workshop staff.\n
\nDate | \nTime | \n
{{ session.start_datetime | moment(\"dddd - MMMM Do, YYYY\") }} | \n{{ session.start_datetime | moment('h:mmA') }} - {{ session.end_datetime | moment('h:mmA') }} | \n
Workshop | \nDate | \nRegistration Options | \n\n|
\n | \n Ongoing | \n{{ workshop.start_datetime | moment(\"dddd - MMM D, YYYY\") }} | \n\n | \n
Cannot send mail to P.O. Box.
\nIf you are unable to locate a workshop that meets your needs, please fill out the form below and we will make every effort to connect\n you with an organization that can help you further.\n
\n\n Your workshop registration information submitted online will be maintained securely by the Find-a-Workshop vendor and will be shared with the workshop provider you choose.\n
\n\n Your information may be shared with a State Department of Health or State Unit on Aging that licenses Find-a-Workshop to workshop providers in your community. Information that may be shared includes your name, address, telephone number and/or email and the workshop that you selected.\n
\nProviders and licensees collect this data to connect you with a program in your community.
\nYour information will be used:
\nIf you are not comfortable sharing this information online, you will need to call the workshop provider directly to share your information. There is no penalty for choosing not to share your information online; however, you may not be able to participate in a workshop if you refuse to provide this information.
\n\nThis workshop is currently not accepting new participants. Please contact the workshop provider for more information or\n
This workshop could not be found. Please contact the workshop provider for more information or\n
\n Please note that although we will do what we can to meet your needs, not all accommodation\n requests are guaranteed.\n